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What Are General Conditions and Special Conditions of Contract

General Conditions and Special Conditions of Contract: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to contracts, there are two main categories that you should be aware of: general conditions and special conditions of contract. Both of these types of conditions are important to understand, as they can have a significant impact on the terms of the agreement.

So, what exactly are general conditions and special conditions of contract, and how do they differ from one another? In this article, we`ll explore these concepts in more detail.

General Conditions

General conditions of contract are the standard terms that are included in most contracts. They are typically pre-written and are designed to be used in a variety of different situations. These conditions are essential because they help to provide a framework for the contract and outline the basic terms and conditions that will govern the agreement.

Some examples of general conditions of contract may include:

– Payment terms: This could include the amount that must be paid, when payments are due, and any penalties for late payment.

– Delivery terms: This could include the timeline for delivery, how the goods or services will be delivered, and any warranties or guarantees related to the delivery.

– Liability: This could include who is responsible if there is a breach of contract or if someone is injured as a result of the agreement.

– Termination: This could include the circumstances under which the contract can be terminated, how much notice is required, and any penalties for early termination.

– Dispute resolution: This could include information about how any disputes related to the contract will be resolved, such as through arbitration or mediation.

These are just a few examples of the types of general conditions that may be included in a contract. The actual terms and conditions will vary depending on the specific agreement.

Special Conditions

As the name suggests, special conditions of contract are specific to a particular agreement. They are added to the contract as needed to provide more detail or to address unique circumstances that are not covered by the general conditions.

Some examples of special conditions of contract may include:

– Start and end dates: If the contract is for a specific project or service, the start and end dates may be included as a special condition.

– Payment milestones: If payment for the project or service is divided into several installments, the payment milestones may be included as a special condition.

– Additional warranties or guarantees: If the project or service requires additional warranties or guarantees, these may be included as a special condition.

– Non-disclosure agreements: If the project or service requires confidentiality, a non-disclosure agreement may be included as a special condition.

Special conditions of contract are often added to the agreement through negotiation between the parties involved. For example, if a client requires a specific service or product that is not covered by the general conditions, the vendor may include a special condition to address that request.


In conclusion, both general conditions and special conditions of contract are essential to any agreement. The general conditions provide a framework for the contract, while the special conditions provide additional detail and address unique circumstances that are not covered by the general terms.

As a copy editor with experience in SEO, it`s important to make sure that these terms are clearly defined in any contract that you work on. By doing so, you can help to ensure that everyone involved in the agreement understands the terms and conditions, and that the contract is legally enforceable.

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