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Contract Niet Verlengd Tijdens Zwangerschapsverlof

If you`re a woman who`s expecting a baby, you`ll likely need to take some time off work to care for yourself and your child. This period is called maternity leave or pregnancy leave, and it`s important to know that you have certain rights and protections during this time.

One of these protections is that your employer has to keep your job open while you`re on maternity leave. This means that they can`t fire you because you`re pregnant or because you`re taking time off to care for your child. Your job should be waiting for you when you`re able to return to work.

However, there are situations where your contract may not be renewed while you`re on maternity leave. This could be because your employer decides not to renew your contract for other reasons, such as downsizing or restructuring.

If your contract isn`t renewed while you`re on maternity leave, you still have rights. First, your employer has to give you a valid reason for not renewing your contract. They can`t simply say that they`re not renewing it because you`re on maternity leave.

Second, your employer has to offer you another job that`s comparable to your previous position. This means that it should have similar duties, responsibilities, and pay to your old job. If your employer doesn`t offer you a comparable job, they may be in violation of discrimination laws.

Finally, if you believe that your employer is discriminating against you because you`re pregnant or on maternity leave, you can file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The EEOC investigates claims of discrimination in the workplace and can help you protect your rights.

In summary, if your contract isn`t renewed while you`re on maternity leave, it`s important to know that you still have legal rights and protections. Your employer has to offer you a valid reason for not renewing your contract, offer you a comparable job, and can`t discriminate against you because you`re pregnant or on maternity leave. If you`re unsure of your rights or believe that your employer is violating them, speak with a legal professional or file a complaint with the EEOC.